Friday, December 25, 2020

So is that what you want, America?

T.W. - The government creature created by the influential people in 2020 can turn into a destructive monster hurting you and me. Did you see anyone pushing back on the Jim Crow system of government discrimination against the Black American people living then? No, no one pushed back and just excepted living like that.

How would you like to be a black American boy or girl living in 1940-50 America under a Jim Crow separate but equal legal doctrine in the United States Constitution. Telling black American's that they cannot drink from a white person's water fountain, and if they did, Black American was breaking the law?

The American people living in 2020 is nothing about the American system of small government left to them by this country's founding fathers jerking you and me around at will by the fat cats running the three branches of government and helped by the liberal media today. You are heading into the Hi-tech media's big totalitarian publican legal doctrine system of government shaming and frightening you to keep summiting to their government demands. And how as the American people go about making a living, they are also letting this creature of the fat cat become another government monster hurting innocent people. So is that what you want, America?


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