Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Look at the five Republican Senator's who hates President Trump the most. With friends like them who need enemies'?


Image may contain: 5 people, text that says '5 GOP Senators Join Dems, Vote That Impeachment Of Post-Presidency Trump Is Constitutional Pat Toomey Susan Collins Ben Sasse Lisa Murkowski Mitt Romney'
Every Republican Senator voted that the impeachment of Trump post-presidency was unconstitutional...except these 5.
Collins, Murkowski, Sasse, Toomey, and Romney joined Democrats in moving impeachment forward. However, the Republicans that joined Rand Paul's effort was enough that could prevent a conviction.

  • We know who not to vote for. There will be a lot of vacancies
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  • "Actually one of the dumber ones in the class. Biden graduated from Syracuse Law School in 1968, finishing #76 in a class of 85." via @ThomasW05626820
    “Actually one of the dumber ones in the class. Biden graduated from Syracuse Law School in 1968, finishing #76 in a class of 85.”
    “Actually one of the dumber ones in the class. Biden graduated from Syracuse Law School in 1968, finishing #76 in a class of 85.”


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