Saturday, February 13, 2021

After three hours of Trump's Defensive team was finished so was the Democratic impeachment charge that President Trump insight the Capital Building break-in.


  • Former President Trump's lawyers began to argue their defense Friday
  • They are expected to speak for just a few hours
  • They played clip after clip of Democrats calling to 'fight' and 'fight back'
  • Accused Democrats of acting out of 'hatred' 
  • Said managers 'manipulated evidence'
  • Called impeachment a 'witch hunt' and a 'sham,' language Trump uses 
  • When they conclude senators will get to ask questions 
  • President Joe Biden said he's watching to see if his Republican 'friends' in the Senate 'stand up' to Donald Trump with their impeachment vote
  • 'I'm just anxious to see what my Republican friends do. If they stand up,' he said
  • Joe and Jill Biden made surprise appearance on North Lawn to see a Valentine's Day message the first lady had installed overnight
  • Giant heart-shaped signs in red, white and pink with messages of 'unity,' 'hope,' 'healing' were placed on the lawn
  • Bidens carried cups of coffee and had dogs Champ and Major with them
  • 'I just wanted some joy. With the pandemic, just everybody's feeling a little down. So, it's just a little joy. A little hope. That's all,' Jill Biden said of her message 


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