Monday, February 1, 2021

This country's political corruption is out of control.

Oh, wonderful, so maybe they’ll drop one on the top of Israel’s population that the Democrats don’t care about. This country’s political power structure is so corrupted they rather be friends with Iran, than you and me.


Jodie Trump Keeton

 · God I miss the orange man 😭



  • Jo B Harris – Here we go. Democrats are in charge now. 🤬🤬🤬
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  • Chris Roshto – They’re not. If they were Isreal would be launching attacks.
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  • Johnny Meaux – Fear That’s how they dictate
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  • Shaun Rutherford – There too stupid to build a nuke look how they blew up half the country.
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  • Thomas Williams – Oh wonderful, so maybe they’ll drop one on the top of Israel’s population that the Democrats don’t care about. This country’s political power structure is so corrupted they rather be friends with Iran, than you and me. How the Past American administrations helped destroy our country’s soldiers in battle. Instead of really trying to win and just playing for time playing politics with other people’s lives. How do you like this country’s mainstream news media now?1
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  • Jodie Trump Keeton Thomas Williams – Israel said they’d fight back this time. Thanks to Trump 🖤
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  • Mark Kitcher – Israel is going to hammer them
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