Thursday, February 11, 2021

Why did President Trump hire William Barr as his Administration's Attorney General?

President Trump with AG William Barr


How will the world Remember Attorney General William Barr's legacy after working in Donald Trump's administration now?
William Lovett, Barbara Eubank, and 2 others


Thomas Williams

I think William Barr was a deep state Manchurian candidate for the Washington DC establishments cover-up of all their sins against you and me. Deliberately running Donald Trump's administration out of time so another outsider Presidential candidate would never be elected by the American people again. And we keep seeing the evil Web the Washington DC establishment members weave while trying to deceive, by even stealing this past election


Barbara Eubank Thomas Williams

How did Trump not know that Barr was Deep State? Many of us know he was a Clinton associate.


Mark Hayward

This is a question that plagues me regarding many of Trump's picks to fill positions. Was he so naive as to believe he could win them over? Was he gullible? Was he just clueless as to just how deep the deep state is? Was he backed into a corner and had to pick these people? I don't understand.


Rita Pastore Rast Thomas Williams



 - Thomas Williams Mark Hayward

 Yes, Mark, that's exactly right. Trump thought he could win them over and the past U.S. government politicians were not all that bad. Trump was wrong in making a fatal mistake. Trump caught them, but once caught he never did drop the hammer, why!?


Mark Hayward

Legacy? What legacy?

William who?


Rita Pastore Rast Mark Hayward



Nick Varrecchio

Wasted Space, worthless


Rita Pastore Rast Nick Varrecchio




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