Saturday, April 27, 2024

The voters allowed the crooks to take away what was so good about being an American.


 Enjoy 1st

Discover which states and cities that Americans are moving out of in flocks.

New York City


The Top 25 Rudest Cities in America: Ranked


Thomas Williams

Frankly, the American people's politics have created a culture of madness no matter where they live. The people living in New York City are going to convict Donald Trump on something that is not a crime because they hate him. Then, the media and Jury members will deny to each other they are doing anything wrong. Lynching innocent people doesn't seem to bother the New York City citizens and media who hate Trump. 

For the past decade, the Ivy League universities have been allowing Marxist and anti-Jewish students to push innocent people around in the name of protest against Zionism because the money is good from the Middle Eastern government endowments to the Ivy League in the millions of dollars, right and wrong don't matter to the current administrators running the Ivy League anymore.

Where we live in America doesn't matter anymore if the people keep living in a culture of madness.

Gang violence hurting innocent underage school churidar is spreading, and the school administrators, Governors, and Mayors are not stopping it. 

The elementary school system curriculum allows underage elementary school students to get brainwashed by grooming teachers to accept homosexual sexuality, along with the current political power structure nihilist political points of view.

I don't know where to live in America where that everyday behavior is not going on, so I'm having difficulty finding anything good to say about America's culture in 2024.

I can barely look at young women walking in public, exposing themselves like mindless fools not raised at all about their natural womanly attraction dressed in the shallowest of clothing styles.

Americans will be living in a culture of madness in 2024, so where you live in the United States hardly matters because the people allowed the crooks to politically corrupt their country's politics and take away what was so good about being an American.


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