Wednesday, October 9, 2024

We should have been more vigilant watching these people run the U.S. government and liberal media.

Thomas Williams - Facebook

Can you imagine this woman Kamala Harris going through life being pushed along and advanced because of her skin color and gender? Personally stupid, she's stupid. The mainstream liberal media knows she's stupid and they're covering up for her, just like they covered up for Joe Biden's mental old age infirmity. The liberal media members working for CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and CBS seem to be doing that to American politics. It's incredible to me to see the Washington DC political power structure criminal complexes, know they are about to go to jail for their bad behavior in the past seem to think they can go on like this forever when everyone knows nothing lasts forever. The honest men and women who are about to run the U.S. government in the years to come, whether it's Trump or someone else, will not be stopped by the establishment censorship today from uncovering the truth. These pitiful people now in twenty twenty-four government and liberal media power, doing all that Criminality to you will be caught.



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