Saturday, December 14, 2024

I love the Queen's Return releasing me from my grief over her death.

House Of The Dragon HBO  · 


Plot twist:

Drogon brought Daenerys' body to Volantis.

Kinvara - the highest Red Priestess, found the dragon and his mom lying in the center of the city. The people were horrified because the giant dragon was snarling. Two other priestess came with Kinvara and they were holding Dany's body to the Red Temple. They put the dead body on a wooden table and then Kinvara found herself alone with Daenerys in the room. She poured water in a pot to wash the body. After undressing her she noticed a wound where her heart was placed and thought who would've done that. But she noticed other thing too. Daenerys' belly was bigger than normal woman's. If she was pregnant there was a hope for her baby if she woke up.

The Red Priestess continued the ritual even more worried. She wanted to help her Queen because Daenerys hadn't finished her mission and that was the Lord of Light will. Kinvara cut silver hairs and threw them into the nearby fire. She put every effort in telling the spell right and hoped with all of her heart that it will work out. Her face looked tired and helpless. After a lot of time trying and tearing she touched Dany's neck and tried to find her pulse and suddenly Daenerys opened her eyes widely and hardly whispered


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Thomas Williams

I love the Queen's Return releasing me from my grief over her death.


Michael L Molthan

I don't know what you people smoke but damn I want some.. 


Roseanna Horneman

I think that since a Targaryen killed another Targaryen not outta hate but love it breaks the curse of the coin flip. Daenerys wakes to say Jonis, not outta anger but he freed her from the madness she was trapped in. This could work.



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