Thomas Williams - Facebook
You are being lied to by the establishment's political power structure, created to keep the members you elected in power. They don't believe what we are doing matters, so anything goes in their mind. Keeping the establishment's shadow government members rich and powerful is what they care about. Becoming powerful and wealthy is the unwritten truth of going along to get along in the U.S. Senate, and if you try changing that, they will take you out of circulation. Threatening their closed two-party double standard system is what they keep lying about in the way they lie about it. Look at what the Senate members are telling Trump about having two bills, one now and the other later. The other bill is the money bill and will never happen after being talked to death by the Republican Senate staying the way they are getting rid of Trump.
Using absolute power against the people is how the two-party system really works.
Thomas Williams
China says they'll sell TikTok to Elon Musk and I think all of the East Coast snobs just jumped into the Ocean.
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