The American News Media is a company of men, and not
American Laws.
The American News Media is a company of men and not Laws. Because of whatever there reason they are deliberately letting Barack Obama and the progressive Democratic Party get away with breaking the American people spirit of our country Law. Using technicality or by omission of true information that would clear up the truth of the American people daily news.
After all we are all raised in the same country of our birth, and we know the true deal of what is pushed and pulled around our neighborhood.
the real information in the daily news make Barack Obama looking bad because of
his lack of personal substance. Without a rehearsal of what to read by a good
writer on his teleprompter Television Show. The America News Media just berries
that story back into the pack, hoping that most of the American people don't
notices. The obvious hand and glove teamwork helping Barack Obama to look good
on television has gone just about as far as that propagandize talk can take
them. Because the rest of our world is now seeing what a lot of the American
people have been seeing for the past five years now.
zenith of the progressive people is failing, and everyone see it, even if the
American news media keep trying to make everyone believe in the Hollywood
make-believe Barack Obama Show anyway.
the real life boat with everyone-else is sailing down the real mainstream river
and the American News Media will be left behind if they don't stop selling that
stale failed Television Show soon, Because their leader Barack Obama really
don't have any substance what so ever.
suspect that one of the other nations in Europe, or elsewhere leaders, will step up to
the plate and lead the world with some level headed substance in the absents of
the American lack of leadership ability.
After all life does go on even after our death.
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