Monday, March 10, 2014

Benghazi Libya - IRS - NSA - Ukraine:


The American TV News Media plays the story's the way that the Obama White House want them to. That is the way that the TV News Media is covering the breaking news stories of the day given their guy the benefit of the dough. That is why everyone is so frustrated with this obvious White House Obnoxious behavior because the Media is working hand and glove to keep Barack Obama looking good on TV. Barack Obama is the zenith of the liberal U.S. Media. So they are blocking out, and omitting the truth in the stores below. And apparently they don't really care how we feel about that just as long as they keep the Progressive ball rolling all over America.

Benghazi Libya: Four Americans people killed by terrors and one of them was the American ambassador. The White House lied about what happen right before the American Presidential election - Obama told the American people that al-Qaeda's  was finished. Not so, al-Qaeda's attacked Benghazi so the White House lied about what really happen at Benghazi, until the election was over with..

IRS: Ms. Lerner has the information that can clear up the truth?
NSA: The United States is breaking the Laws of the United States Constitution by recording everyone privet conservations without a court order.
Ukraine: Barack Obama turns into President Doodle Dangle

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