Tuesday, March 11, 2014

For the love of LSU football Geaux tigers


Our guys are getting ready to play and defeat all comers, including Alabama. Is their skill level going to go from very good high school football player into moving forward to good college football player? Can the LSU college football fans dare to hope once more for the success that has thrilled all LSU tiger fans before.
The sound and fury of fast strong college football player crashing into each other on every play. Skills on the football field that bring us fans to our feet in excitement. How can I say this college football feeling better? Or a moment of strong competitiveness’ clear? I hope that each and every one of you flesh and blood LSU football players give your best shot to the next college football game you play, your very best. 

That I also hope that you give your school, Fans, Coach, Team, and yourself, you’re very best shot. That I don’t expect for you to die for the glory and honor of LSU on the football field.

 Because that kind of total sacrifice is only necessary in real war over your country and family.

But for you to give your best inside the LSU tiger football stadium.  I will be very proud of your best efforts as I feel proud of my own children giving their best. That the other schools football players might be bigger and taller, and a step faster or quicker. But if you give your best that is really all that I ask of you. So for the love of the game of football Geaux tigers!!!

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