Thursday, March 13, 2014

I pledge my heart

The people living in Ukraine are about to start fighting for their homeland that Vladimir Putin invades. Putin will not stop unless someone stops him. He feels embolden outmatching the Ukrainian Army with his stronger Russia military.

President Doodle Dangle will not fight alongside the Ukrainian people. So Ukraine is on their own and in all probably are going to die trying. If the real life blood start flowing as in the U.S. failure to help Syria embarrassment. Barack Obama will have succeeded at making the rest of our world see America as a second rated country.

I keep hearing from the people on the other side of the great oceans that they think the American people are crazy. And they can't understand why the American people were willing to disrupt their country's economy, and culture, over the likes of share the wealth pie in the sky political promises, Gay marriage, out of control crony capitalism. They can't understand the political leaders running Washington DC allowing the once mighty U.S. Military to be systemically made weaker.
And all of the other very dumb ideas from a foolish Ivy League misfit who has not experience working in real life. Just an Ivy League puppet pervert trying to justify their sickness. So of course the rest of this world at this time are thinking that the American people are truly crazy. And America is the country that is becoming isolated not Russia.
However it’s still not too late yet, the American people can elect the men and women from small town USA, and people from the other Universities like South Alabama, LSU, Utah, Bowling Green. To really stay away from the Ivy League all together until those Universities clean themselves up. Enrolling younger people because of their talent and not their progressive politics.

Vote to join Russia could leave Crimea without water, electricity

By Iana Zagoruiko
Published March 13, 2014

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