Monday, March 10, 2014

Spookier people lend me your ears

I am getting the feeling that president Doodle Dangle is a spookier kind of guy who was listening to that crazy preacher Jeremiah Wright back in Chicago a little bit too long, because all that emotional race hustling self-servings bull talk by Obama is even getting the black American people down. Hell all I hear from Barack Obama is pie in the sky promises that never come true at all. The hopeful minded people who voted for president Doodle Dangle has shocked me into wondering if the general public is that easily taken in my a fast talking con artist looking for a quick score.
Karl Rove lied to the Republican people about George W. being a real Conservative, and now I see that David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, has pulled the wool over the American people eyes once again. The American TV media have only pretended to be surprised over the sorry information that the American people are seeing on television now. So away realize that the American main stream media is working very closely with the Washington DC politicians each and every day.

That is what they do.

They put on the TV Show that the American people watch every day.
Now the TV Shows are filled-up with lots of spookier TV celebrity people these day. Because all the same TV characters are once again talking about what we the American people have already seen?
The TV shows is looking very spooky because a lot of American people are trying to believe that the American TV Show that they have been looking at is really real.
Very spooky indeed.


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