Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Addicted to television in the wrong way?


1945 seem to be the year that TV started to catch on with the imagination of people all over this world. Slowly at first and then on a massive scale. If you did not have a TV in your home your house simply became unlivable until you did. The neighborhood neighbors would walk over to the home who had the very first TV in that block and just sit to see and hear whatever the television broadcasted. It was pure magic. Pictures and entertainment coming straight into everybody's living room.

Nothing except technicality has change since then. Everyone keeps siting down to see and hear whatever the Television is broadcasting. People all over our world are truly addicted to television all the time everywhere.

This is a real problem for everyone in every way living today. That the people in our society have made television the instrument of control. So far not enough people are doing anything about it. Controlling what people broadcast on TV get into a lot of legal problems that no one seem to want to swim into. But I am starting to feel like that is exactly what we as responsible citizen living today are going to need to do. Work at just what the TV networks social powers are and what Networks broadcast?

Again the harm is in the people running television Networks using television as a instrument of harm and not a free art form of entertainment at all.

The American public must demand by Law that television must be a transparent service and nothing like what the TV networks are doing with it now?



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