Friday, May 16, 2014

What a liberal minded progressive mess this is

When were the first Barack Obama White House scandal to surface into the open view of our world today? In spite of a very favorable American News Media to the contrary in this country?
The American liberal News Media were always pushing and pulling the progressive political ambitions of Barack Obama ever since he became the very first black American politician. That the Liberal Media thought had a good chance to become the first black President of the United States. Barack Obama represented the very zenith of the progressive liberal movement everywhere. The News Media had a liberal live wire story line of historical portions that made getting up in the morning very exciting, and satisfying.

Finally the liberal American News Media had a story line that they could sell in a very big way to the American people for years and years to come.
So in real time the American News Media pushed aside the first liberal woman presidential candidate in Hillary Clinton, for the very first black American president instead, Barack Obama?
Now low and behold the liberal Media first black American president has no clothes. Because he is nothing but a show piece person without substance of his own. And in reality a very incompetent politician that keep getting himself in trouble. Obama simply can't seem to obey the real laws of the Constitutions of the United States.
The excited liberal News Media now has the job of trying to save Barack Obama who keep acting just like my nick name implies, "King Doodle Dangle." Who fiddles around with a superficial TV Show as the American people real life problems in the United States Government keep getting neglected. So badly so that self-serving corruption has seeped into every aspect of the United States Government being run today.
Just like a can of corrupted political worms that has been dropped accidentally. The America News Media are scrambling around trying to catch ever slippery corrupted worm wiggling across this country landscape in plain sight of everyone.
Crazily the American News Media are still trying to tell us the American people. "See their really nothing bad going on at all in the White House?"
That what bad deeds we think we are seeing in this White House is really only the Tea Party people showing everyone their racial contamination of our otherwise high minded liberal government equal right purity. And of course not president Barack Obama fault at all?
To fire all those mean discriminating American people instead. You know all the American people who are complaining about the phony stories of corruption like the Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS, Common Core, and now the U.S. Veterans Administration Hospital cooking the books and letting brave veterans die because of their untreated sickness?
What on earth could be next?

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