Monday, June 30, 2014

Who need Mr. in between anymore when I have you?


The American TV news media are a hypercritical mess these days and that they keep blaming our social problems on everyone else. Somewhere along the way they are going to lose the product that has employed them all these pass years. And I have a feeling that a lot is changing in our computer technically that is going on for the TV media now. And that the barrel of ink that has made them and that they used in an abusive way on the readers over the years is now becoming the stuff that is going to read and write them into invisibility. After all who need all that bull talk that is not entertaining anymore? Where is the fun in having other TV talking heads working hand and glove with the running dog politicians telling us how we should feel?
I just find them more insulting than ever before because I have access to the same information that they have so badly twisted and turned into a TV sound bites bringing attention to themselves. Using me with all that "Breaking News."
Who care what ABC, CBS, NBC, Cable, thinks, and who need Mr. in between anymore when I have you.

ACCENTUATE THE POSITIVE ~ Johnny Mercer & The Pied Pipers .wmv

Obama pledges to redirect immigration enforcement, conceding Congress won’t act

By Zachary A. Goldfarb and David Nakamura June 30 at 4:20 PM
President Obama angrily conceded Monday that Congress would not overhaul immigration laws this year and announced that he will redirect immigration enforcement to the border

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