Saturday, September 27, 2014

The only thing that I really don't like about Ted Cruz is the University that he went to.

The only thing that I really don't like about Ted Cruz is that he is another Ivy League graduate who went to Harvard law school. And frankly I am very put off by the people coming out of that part of this country's University’s that are obliviously overrated.
But to hear them tell it who are the elitist Ivy League from the Northeast who are of course always one step ahead of everyone else and the true blue blood class of this nation.
"Think Progress found a juicy little tidbit in that long-ass GQ profile of Cruz that we haven’t managed to struggle through quite yet:

As a law student at Harvard, he refused to study with anyone who hadn’t been an undergrad at Harvard, Princeton, or Yale. Says Damon Watson, one of Cruz’s law-school roommates: “He said he didn’t want anybody from ‘minor Ivies’ like Penn or Brown.”

Wonder what other stuff is in that GQ article? Who knows? Today is pretty much a frustrating kind of day."

Now I know all of that special social privilege respect that we the people have bestowed on them over all those years for graduating from the Ivy League University’s has been a bad waste of time of the American people. Because as the American people were genuflecting to them in social respect all the Ivy League people were doing was to keep feathering their own nest, and gaining control of this country's wealth, power, and political influence for themselves. And keeping their own special interest rolling along. And behind closed doors saying to hell with the rest of our country population and because of that becoming the very hypocrites that has always made me discussed with what they were doing, and how they did it in Washington DC.

So now all I want to do is vote for someone from a small college or State college. Hoping that we might get lucky and receive the benefits from someone who has real substance, and perhaps even wisdom.

That we the American people could really use someone of substance along about now. Helping to bring the American people together, and pulling us in the same direction.

Sen. Ted Cruz captivates Values Voter Summit

By KATIE GLUECK | 9/26/14 5:13 PM EDT Updated: 9/26/14 7:05 PM EDT

Rand Paul talked foreign policy. Rick Santorum decried flagging family values. Michele Bachmann called for war on radical Islam.

But it was Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas who captivated the crowd of social conservatives in Washington Friday, again showcasing his appeal with that critical part of the GOP should he run in 2016.

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