Saturday, November 29, 2014

Israel must attack Iran with America help


Iran is hell bent on achieving nuclear military force because that is the fundamental reasons for advancing their social revolution in the middle East to begin with. The West have been simply giving them more and more time to get to where they want to be.
Barack Obama and his liberal minded Democratic friends don't want to believer the obvious in that Iran want a nuclear bomb for religious reasons. And they have invested all that they are into having that military capacity.
The liberal Democrats are truly political fools to the Middle East and in all probability will leave a U.S. failed foreign policy in a shambles. As the new U.S. President will try to stop Iran from becoming nuclear. Or in fact be the people who must go ahead and win the next World War.
Barack Obama was nothing but a very sick minded social fool that has made some very bad choice that the American people did not know enough about. The American people because of the media were kept in the dark over who Obama really was. The media were helping to elect someone that the American people really knew very little about.
Now the American people must make up for that very serious social mistake.
Israel must attack Iran with the might of the American military standing behind them so as to finally stop that Iran religious terror threat.
Because the West has no other choice as a nuclear bomb in the hands of the terrorist will be deadly to us all.

Israel mulls preemptive attack on Iran as nuclear talks falter

By Cheryl K. Chumley - The Washington Times - Monday, November 24, 2014

The deadline for the P5+1 powers and Iran to reach a deal on nuclear power is Monday, but Israel — hardly confident — is starting to talk about a preemptive strike as the only logical solution.
The P5+1 includes the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, China and Germany.

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