Creep in Chief is not the kind of company that I want to keep because frankly I feel dirty around Barack Obama in privet or public. All he does is show deep bitter feeling against nice people in my country, and I don’t like it. Trying to screw over the American people politically in any way that he can is not how I want to treat by neighbors, countryman that I live around.
President Barack Obama is deliberately pitting people against each other in the United States by dividing the American people into special interest political groups of race, creed, color, for control in the Federal Government running Washington DC.
he is politically teaming up Black American people with the Hispanic American
people in trying to gain political control over all the Caucasian people in the
United States.
Is Barack Obama a personal louse of a dirt bag person or what?
Is Barack Obama a personal louse of a dirt bag person or what?
executive decree is a boon to Republicans
By Jennifer Rubin November 20 at 9:00 AM
Republicans are understandably angry that just two weeks
after a decisive election against his party and his policies (“every one of
them”), the president is acting unilaterally to potentially extend 5
million people legal status. Many Americans who favor generous immigration
reform with a path to citizenship (and I count myself among them) will find the
move a dangerous, misguided and arrogant usurpation of power. But before the
president speaks tonight, Republicans might reflect on what the president is
doing here — aside from the lawless, precedent-setting nature of his action.
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