Friday, November 14, 2014

You better fight for us New Congress.

Check out this transcript of Rush from yesterday explaining the dire situation we’re now in with Obama poised to issue amnesty by executive fiat:…/2014/11/13/amnesty_is_irrever…
As I explained in op-eds many months ago, this is clearly an impeachable offense and really should be the last straw because it’s a direct assault on the suffering American worker of all races and backgrounds. Though I was mocked for saying so at the time, now others are finally agreeing that this is an impeachable offense:…/krauthammer-impeachable-off…

I'm in Florida today for a speech, and I look forward to speaking truth on this issue and reminding folks that we were right on this topic and others long before it was fashionable.
- Sarah Palin

  • 701 people like this.
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  • Jill Anne: Brendon Flatt- you are absolutely correct. Middle class is gone. Our lives will never be the same. Our poor children.
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  • Wilson Soriano: Topple obama through coup or impeachment, meanwhile defund him
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  • Thomas Williams: You better fight for us new congress because we just elected you to replace the bad who kept playing along with Barack Obama political shady political backroom deals. So you better fight Barack Obama or we the American people will find the men and women who will. If Obama does what he said about his White House executive order giving amnesty to over 5 million illegal people?

    Impeach him immediately. None of that Washington DC way of tradeoff bull talk either and no U.S. Government shutting down. Just pushing this fool Barack Obama who want to be King aside legally, by impeachment him. So you better fight and enforce our country's laws now guys, do you hear me
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