Tuesday, November 18, 2014

They fix the game on us, and they don't care.


Well the running dog politicians have managed to fix our country Goverment Courts, Halls of Congress, The American Federal Reserve Bank, and Big money bankers, with the right people who were willing to play along with ripping off the American people. The political process electing the people from two political party's has the American people behind the (8) eight ball, as the elitist privilege few from the Northeastern Ivy league cocktail club run this United States Government with puppets like Barack Obama the way they want.

Now the American people need to start over from scratch with the reality of this social truth in mind and the people once again use our forefathers United States Constitution to regain the power and process back into the American people control.
One vote in ever election at a time if we need too.

Who knows maybe sometime soon the American people will know the identity of the puppet masters and the secret names running the American Federal Reserve Bank finally becoming public.

I see the weight of the corruption in Washington DC tremble in fear that the American people are seeing more than the puppeteers wanted.

Organizers Train Newly Minted Protesters in St. Louis

Protesters anxiously awaiting the St. Louis grand jury decision relating to the shooting death of 18-year-old Mike Brown have been training activists all weekend in preparation for the day the grand jury makes an announcement about whether to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson for Brown’s death.


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