Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Where was Dad?

Is that how you protect the health and property in Ferguson, Missouri. Where were the police in that community who did not stop the thugs from burning the business places, and cars to the ground because gunfire were keeping the fire department away from putting the fires out. The people in that community seems like some very feeble people if you ask me. Who will not do their civic duty and stop the arsonist, thefts, looters, who were using that Michael Brown resisting arrest issue as an opportunity to steal and commit crimes because they want to.
So I am simply glad that my neighborhood is a place with more responsible people and not like the riff raff that runs around Ferguson Missouri. And where is the Mothers and Fathers of the people living in that community?
And why did the police there back away from arresting the bad guys, and what in the hell is going on in Ferguson, Missouri. And where are the men living there because I am very tired of hearing our President Barack Obama begging the bad people to behave themselfs, when of course they will not.

Obama begs for calm as rioters set fires and attack police cars in Ferguson after grand jury refuses to indict police officer in Michael Brown case


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