Tuesday, December 30, 2014

It is the people in our life that makes the difference

Will definitely ruffle
This may just be the most "racist" article you will ever read, and it will no doubt inflame many, but we cannot have an open "conversation about race" in this country until we accept the truth. http://allenbwest.com/…/quite-possibly-racist-article-will…/
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Thomas Williams: This is an interesting column about the percentages of crime committed by Black, Spanish-Mexican, White, Asians, and different people by race living in America. But I dare say the crimes that people commit are not because of the color of their skin. That we see a larger number of crimes committed in the black American communities are simply because of the way they were raised, or not raised in a criminals case. I really don't understand luck but the truth of the matter is that the way you are raised is just about everything.

And who your parents are is a matter of luck and because of that we have a social problem in our community and population we are living. It is not the Schools, Government Institutions, or Criminal Justice system, or who the President is. But plain and simply who the people are raised by is the reason, or reasons, why some children thrive when other children fail. It is the parents’ responsibility and fault and the reason that a child become a model citizen, or chump in jail. Color has nothing at all to do with it...I heard a popular country singer tell the story how when he was 14 years old his Mother pick up another man and then stopped their car on the side of a country road, and put him out and drove away out of his life forever. But luckily he ask a man at a close by farm house for a job and that man had a kind wife who took him under their roof, and raised him. And God gave this young boy a nice singing voice, and the kindness of his new family went on to saved his life from worse harm then he had already been through.

It is the people in our life that makes the difference in our life and not what we look like, or how we want to look, that really matters.

I am afraid that you won’t give mercy to people you want mercy from and because of that unforgiving attitude our community of people (just because of luck) will become a hell on earth and a society of fang and claws living on crud cruelty driven by terror and a place like the very first centuries were before we were born. And that we as a population of men and women children simply cannot be civilize and stay savages not much better off than the most mindless animals around us. And I wonder sometimes reading the news about the unlucky people in jail, is that how we really want to live too?

If I gave or help that man in jail above in this picture earn a job would he go on to live better, or would he turn around and kill me instead?

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