Monday, January 26, 2015

Distorting really is what makes Barack Obama a crazy man.


It is very obvious that Barack Obama has swallowed the socialist rhetoric of the Ivy League professors who were trying to outdo each other running down the social values of the American people, and lying through their teeth about everything else. And in general getting everything wrong because the amount of wisdom they know were given to them by their mother and father experiences who they kept denying. So I am not all that surprise in the lack of understanding from the Ivy League students who have wasted their time on the self-serving Ivy League professors about American politics. That the way the Ivy League professors advanced ahead in their Ivy League Universities was from who they know in all the right places. And of course from all the behind kissing for the big money University endowments making the progressive liberal political movement the niche to build a social nirvana dream on.
The Ivy League professors are better people than this country's founding father, don't you know.

Distorting reality is simply what the Ivy League progressives’ political movement has been doing in order to keep their social and political positions trucking along. The trusting American people gave the Ivy League the benefit of the dough and kept given reverence to the halls of Ivy for much to long now.
So now the truth is starting to become public and the walls and halls of Ivy look more like a mental institution were the crazy patients are running the United States Government in Washington DC. And Barack Obama is the apple of the Ivy League eyes who of course is simply also socially crazy because of them, and the proof in the Ivy League pudding.
We are being led by lunatics’ Ladies and Gentlemen so I am asking you just how long can this country last doing that. Do you think that we the American people have been given the Ivy League wise guys to much credit?
Lara Logan: “Major lie being propagated” by Obama on #savage jihadists in Afghanistan, Libya etc -
“I chose this subject because, one, I can’t stand, that there is a
major lie being propagated…”
Logan announced. The lie is that the U.S. military has tamed the Taliban.

“There is this narrative coming out of Washington for the last two
years,” Logan began. It is driven in part by “Taliban apologists,“ who claim ”they are just the poor moderate, gentler, kinder Taliban.”

“It’s such nonsense!”

The Sun Times continues:

Logan stepped way out of the “objective,” journalistic role. The
audience was riveted as she told of plowing through reams of documents, and interviewing John Allen, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan;

Afghan President Hamid Karzai, and a Taliban commander trained by
al-Qaida. The Taliban and al-Qaida are teaming up and recruiting new
terrorists to do us deadly harm, she reports. […] She made a
passionate case that our government is downplaying the strength of our
enemies in Afghanistan and Pakistan, as a rationale of getting us out of
the longest war.

Logan went on to say that people have been duped into believing that
the threat of radical Islam is merely a thing of the past, saying:

“You’re not listening to what the people who are fighting you say
about this fight. In your arrogance, you think you write the script.


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