Sunday, January 18, 2015

Get rid of the Washington DC Establishment forever.


The Republican leadership is now telling the conservative Republican base that the House and Senate will not repeal Obama Care, or Obama Presidential executive order on immigration. So you tell me if the Tea Party conservatives American people have been doubled cross by the Republican establishment or not.
Down with Karl Rove, John Boehner and all of the other Republican establishment who are now the majority in both houses. And only go vote for the Men and Women who will do the same after being elected like they said what they would do before the election. Not ever again should we support a liar like Karl Rove and John Boehner, so help us God.

Our mission is to bring awareness to any issue
which challenges the security, sovereignty or
domestic tranquility of our beloved nation,
The United States of America.
GOP Establishment Gears up for Civil War Against Tea Party

“If the new Republican leadership in the Senate is only talking about what they can’t do, that’s going to be very demoralizing,” said Thomas J. Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, a conservative advocacy group that convenes a regular gathering called Groundswell. Any sense of triumph at its meeting last week was fleeting. - See more at:

“I think the members of the leadership need to decide what they’re willing to shut down the government over,” Mr. Fitton said.

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