If I hear another TV whittle artist carving out the same old talking points for supporting this teleprompter reader from the Hawaiian Islands. Who the American people elected as an Illinois Senator, and then the President of the United States, I will scream.
Barack Hussein Obama is disgusting to me and I really hate it when other Americans people try to say otherwise, because frankly they only make matter worse.
If I hear another TV whittle artist carving out the same old talking points for supporting this teleprompter reader from the Hawaiian Islands. Who the American people elected as an Illinois Senator, and then the President of the United States, I will scream.
Barack Hussein Obama is disgusting to me and I really hate it when other Americans people try to say otherwise, because frankly they only make matter worse.
Barack Obama is a disgrace to the male gender and to the countryman he is
representing. If virtue is defined by behavior showing high moral standards
President Barack Obama is the opposite, who thrives on the vice of immoral wicked
I can't hardly believe that the American people is letting
Barack Obama get away with all this treason against this country. And all of
the double crossing illegal orders that he is given as President in the
White House. The abusive political use of the IRS strong arming the American people who belong to the Tea
Party, and the cover up. The cover up in Benghazi Liberia. Selling illegal firearms across
the Mexico border, and the covering up, The Obama care misuse of his
Presidential power in abusing the law of our country Constitution in the separating of power of this Government.
All of that of course is simply a very ugly pattern of behavior that has me wondering
what good are the other people that the American people voted into the U.S. Government
And has this country really become this pitiful?
http://cnsnews.com/blog/ michael-w-chapman/franklin- graham-americas-culture-death- stems-sinful-godless- worldview-rejects
Graham: America's ‘Culture of Death’ Stems From a 'Sinful, Godless Worldview
That Rejects Christ’
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Reverend Franklin Graham, son of world renowned evangelical preacher Billy Graham, said that America is increasingly embracing a “culture of death” that echoes what has occurred in Europe, and which stems from a “sinful, godless worldview that rejects Christ.”
A further problem in America, he added, is that
“Christianity is constantly under siege from the halls of government and
education, which seek to suppress any public expressions of faith.”
“In places like Europe, where Christianity has been in
decline as the deceptive forces of secularism and materialism have spread across
the continent, it’s not surprising to find the practice of euthanasia so
entrenched,” said Rev. Graham in a commentary for the January issue of Decision magazine. “Earlier this year, Belgium became the
first country in the world to allow child euthanasia with no age limit.”
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