Saturday, January 31, 2015

I would never vote for another Bush.

Does the Bush family own the Republican Party?

By not pursuing a third White House bid, Mitt Romney frees up scores of donors and operatives who had been awaiting his decision, and creates space for center-right hopefuls such as Jeb Bush.|By ASHLEY PARKER
Max Jones Mormon smorman I don't care, he is a great American in my opinion and wish he had won, but he didn't so let's move on. I am not a mormon

  • Vicky Kramer Sounds like it. But, Mitt Romney screwed up and was not a good candidate because of his health care plan in Massachusetts.
  • Thomas Williams The Bushes are just the Washington DC establishment part of the conservative parties’ moderates’ wing, and have always been what was called the Rockefeller brand of the Republican Party. The Tweedledee brother to the Democrats Tweedledum other twin brother. One and the same Washington DC way of running the American people U.S. Government. Fixing the Washington DC Presidential election to only give the American people the choice to vote for either one. So nothing was going to change no matter who the American people vote for...And the "Bushes" are the current member in good standing of that Rockefeller brand of Republican. Disgusting because the Bushes really like things in Washington DC just the way they are, and I would never vote for another Bush.

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