Monday, January 12, 2015

"Let them Eat Cake."


I have never looked at the TV programs broadcasted from the Middle East where Muslims live under the thumb of Islam ideology. But I do seem to also feel like that MSNBC must be pretty close to being just like them. You know the gathering of the Ivy League smart ass who are determent to spread their Progressive Liberal Ideology on us the American people whether we like it or not.

Do you also seem to get the feeling that the aristocrats all over the world have a lot in common separating themselves from the rest of us. As a privileged few who are entitled to keep running the economy and country Government just like they want, and if we don't agree, "let us eat cake."

The French revolution was the population rising up against the aristocrats who kept using the French people in a harsh detached way. That seems to still be going on now in the memory of that aristocrats insidious political shadow falling across out pathways today.

After the 2015 Paris attack by the Islam terrorist who in cold blood killed 11 Newspaper employees because they published comical cartoon about Allah. The French people were united against the terrorist attempt to quash other people freedom who became determinant to march with the other leaders from around the world. Who also wanted to join in with them side by side in a march of solidarity.

But apparently the President of the United States Barack Obama stayed home just like how all the other aristocrats did back in France before the french revolution that lasted from 1789 until 1799.

And President Barack Obama must be like Marie Antoinette then who suggested to the common people of France. "Let them eat Cake"

Eric Holder, top U.S. officials no-shows at Paris unity rally

The U.S. attorney general, in Paris for a terrorism summit with French President Francois Hollande, did not join world leaders such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister David Cameron, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas for the march and rally that drew a million people days after 12 were shot at satirical paper Charlie Hebdo. Others such as Obama and Vice President Biden were also not in attendance.

Published: Sunday, January 11, 2015, 2:18 PM
Updated: Monday, January 12, 2015,

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