Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Respect is earned by people who don't lie to each other.

Dean Barnett

Shared publicly  -  Yesterday 8:47 PM
I'm not a Boehner supporter by any means, but I have no sympathy for the Representatives who lost committee assignments in answer to their childish, public disloyalty. Time to learn respect for the office, gentlemen.
Reps. Dan Webster and Richard Nugent have lost spots on the House Rules Committee.
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Eric Nicolas
Yesterday 8:59 PM
You have to understand, to these guys Boehner is just one step away from being a communist because he actually talks to Obama.
C Scott
Yesterday 9:35 PM
Spare the rod, Spoil the child
dolores eilerts
Yesterday 9:37 PM
He also kicked off tim huelskamp , from kansas, because he would not bow down, And the people re-elected huelskamp. Boehner has committed a boner, a gaff, a no no, collusion with the enemy. He is now viewed as a traitor, turncoat. 
Eric Nicolas
Yesterday 9:55 PM
He is now showing the Tea Party how much influence they have.
dolores eilerts
Yesterday 9:56 PM
+Eric Nicolas proves how terrified he is of them!
Dean Barnett
Yesterday 10:11 PM

 +dolores eilerts "He is now viewed as a traitor, turncoat."  Maybe in some  corners. But he's still the Speaker of the House of Representatives in the rest of the room, and name-calling won't change the fact that his opposition didn't have the votes to change that. 
Fred Ora
Yesterday 10:19 PM
Let them eat cake.. I mean shit.
Timothy Hall
Yesterday 10:33 PM

When there is a poll where 60% of the GOP voters that they are supposed to represent want a change and they all quickly forget that they campaigned on being different, yet when they get there, they are already spoiled ... I will support bigger change. Not the GOP.
Dean Barnett
Yesterday 10:39 PM

 Timothy Hall " I will support bigger change. Not the GOP." Then win elections, not opinion polls.
Timothy Hall
Yesterday 10:57 PM
+Dean Barnett The speaker has another chance to show us whether he means to neuter this president or not. Not impressed so far.
Gordon Grose
Yesterday 11:17 PM
He picks fights with Republicans because he can win, but avoids fights with Democrats and the President because . . . ?
Fred Ora
Yesterday 11:37 PM
He's weak!
Gary Beltrami
Yesterday 11:43 PM

 Why is it bad to have a differing opinion on who the leader of the Senate should be? They all have to think alike? It's thinking like this that is part of problem in politics. No room for different opinions. 
Gordon Grose
Yesterday 11:56 PM

Different opinion? Why doesn't the Speaker work with his fellow-Republicans, instead of the President and the Democrats? Because they're all cut from the same cloth: big spenders, big government, and re-elect me. The country goes to pot with debt ($18 Trillion) and unfunded liabilities (Medicare, Medicaid, and now Obamacare). The country must pay--but with what? Taxes on our Grand children and great grandchildren. Current economic upturn comes in spite of Administration, not because of it. 
Zsolt Golenya
Yesterday 11:58 PM
He is a RINO! 
Gary Beltrami
12:37 AM

+Gordon Grose well he's only there to represent his district that elected him. And apparently the ones who voted for Boehner support his agenda. That doesn't answer the question as why he would essentially punish those that didn't vote for his speakership. In the current political climate there is no room for differing opinions, even within same party. Politicians should stop worrying about who lines up on who's side and start representing the people that put them there. Of course there will be differences and that's what all the idiots in DC are supposed to sort out. Not who voted for who on a committee. They're children, playing with our money. 
Dorothy G. Tyas
5:55 AM

~•■•~ Alas! Sadly, the office has no respect for itself nor for the Sacred Constitution or the American people... ~•■•~
Dorothy G. Tyas
5:57 AM
+Dean Barnett
~•■•~ He belongs in the rest-room versus the rest of the room... as do the other frontispiece government traitors. ~•■•~
Gregory Culver
10:12 AM

Disloyalty?! Boehner didn't have a right to the Speaker position. People had a right to run for it just like he did. This is something that the democrats would do.
David Sherman
12:24 PM
Boehner fully funded Obamacare. He needs to go.
Bill Meagher
12:34 PM
+Gregory Culver Really How long has Harry Reid been the Senate Majority leader?
Gregory Culver
12:36 PM

+Bill Meagher since 2007. Too long.
Fred Ora
2:36 PM
Boner's revenge.
Donna F
2:50 PM
They stood up because they wanted to read the $1.1 trillion spending bill before voting on it. Now why would anyone stand up to protect your paycheck or tax dollars? Just start mailing your paycheck to the IRS and if you draw benefits cancel those. You no longer are allowed any representation, Boehner gets his revenge if your elected official stands up for you. You should be ecstatic now.
Donna F
2:52 PM
+Gary Beltrami
I'd trust my 4 year old grandson with my money, more than Boehner. 

Added note: I'm a conservative on most issues.
+Gordon Grose current economic upturn comes despite our worthless republican congress 
Gregory Culver
3:31 PM
+Donna F that may be a better choice. I vote that we put him in charge.
Bill Meagher
3:45 PM
+Clifford Hinckley Did they let out of the nuthouse early? You were supposed to be there for at least 30 years! Who the hell are you trying to fool clown? Let's see what your hero has accomplished in 6 years? A record 92,269,000 Americans 16 and older did not participate in the labor force in August 2014, as the labor force participation rate matched a 36-year low of 62.8 percent since 1978, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
More Than 101 Million Working Age Americans Do Not Have A Job.

Food Stamp Recipients 22.8 to present 47.6 million... UP 105 %

High Unemployment States 22 to present 39 UP... 77%

Misery Index 7.83 to present 9.46 UP... 21 %

Typical Monthly Family Food Cost $974 to present $1,023... UP 5%

Rate of Mortgage Delinquencies 6.65% to present 10.77%... UP 62%

 U.S. National Debt went from 10.6 Trillion to present 18 Trillion... UP 70%  
Bill Meagher
3:47 PM
+Clifford Hinckley You will never grow a brain will you? Worthless republican congress? What a crock of Horse manure!  Who the hell been in charge for 6 years as you hero and President? Who had controlled the Senate for the last 8 years?? Harry Reid has 350 bills with 98% bipartisan passed by Congress. One of them is about immigration. Harry was holding them so your hero can say Republicans are a do nothing Congress. Go to school and learn something of use! The numbers don't lie clueless left wingnut loony toons obstructionists. Currently, 352 bills that passed the House are awaiting action on Harry Reid’s desk. Of these bills:
- 98% passed with bipartisan support
- Nearly 70% passed with 2/3rds support or more
- Over 50% passed with no opposition at all...
- And 55 were introduced by Democrats
So let's stop the Republican obstructing silly nonsense when it is actually Harry Reid and the Senate that are the obstructionists.
Thomas Williams
4:28 PM
Respect is earned by people who don't lie to each other. And of course you know that Boehner is not worthy of our respect because he gave his own honesty away a very long time ago. Are you loyal to the American people or to the Washington DC establishment who just keep screwing over the American people all day long?

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