Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Love from our countryman


Did you know that I give to you so you can do what you want to do, when you want to, and where you want to, and of course how you want to do it? Not for how I like you to feel or behave. I give to you because I love you for your sake and I feel satisfaction in helping you to be happy, safe, and healthy.
And if you think that make me a good person then I like being good, because that kind of emotion is in my attitude that has me feeling good too. I understand myself well enough to realize that I like being good to other people, and therefore I like being good.
I also realize that my attitude is unique to me and my personality and that other people are indeed unique to who they are, and what they think feel and do.

Somehow sometimes we seem to like being together in a moment of shared affection, and deep feelings. So that wonderful time and place together has me thinking that love is an attitude. And that no matter who we are or where we are, we can learn to respect and appreciate each other. That love goes around the world in you and me when and wherever we want it to. That we are indeed the masters of who we like and if we love each other at all. Not so much in a competition of who has the best attitude but rather who can be the people lucky enough to get our love for each other right, and keep that feeling wonderful together. Because it looks like to me that the feeling of love between us is just about everything.
And as some of the other people around us struggle to talk to us about how much they care about us, like politicians trying to get elected. Those Politicians, Entertainers, Catholic Priests, Preachers, and just about anyone can be a convent example of people lying so much that the effort to look like an honest person, is hard for them to do, and are only really playing us in order to get us to vote for them or what they want from us. Afterwards we can see for yourselves how that worked out in our disappointment over being robbed by them, and of course getting dismissed leaving us feeling used for only what they wanted.

Politicians don't give to other people at all but rather they only take from us in the guise of good people, like you and me.

Do you think that our children know when they are getting lied to, instead of sharing an honest moment with a person who loves them for their sake?

Spike Lee's Advice To 'Selma' Director Ava DuVernay On Oscar Nod Omission: 'F**k 'em'

The Huffington Post  |  By Brennan Williams
Posted: 01/16/2015 1:14 pm EST

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