Tuesday, January 27, 2015

This commander in chief is a creep



Does anyone have an explanation why President Barack Obama keeps trading hostages with this country's terrorist enemies. Sending very bad killers back over to the Middle East where they only hurt and kill more people. Putting a $ sign on each and every American who travels outside of the borders of the United States. And of course placing a dollar value on our military soldiers.
Is Barack Obama that much of a self-adsorbed stuff shirt, who simply can't get out of his own image, and keeps trying to project his own feeling on everyone else. And doesn't Obama really care if the American people get kidnapped by terrorist for money?

Our country's TV Network owes the American people more than their rear ends can payoff. By hiding Barack Obama self-serving socialist true colors from the American people, just so they could elect a black man to be the President of the United States. That is turning into a social catastrophe in the real person of Barack Obama, and that his skin color had nothing to do with it. This guy is a louse and I demand restitution and a apology from this country's TV media.

Report: Bergdahl to Be Charged with Desertion

by Jeffrey Poor26 Jan 2015595

On Monday’s broadcast of “The O’Reilly Factor” on the Fox News Channel, retired Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer of the London Center for Policy Research revealed to host Bill O’Reilly that sources tell him U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl will face charges for desertion.

Bergdahl was held captive by the Taliban-aligned Haqqani network in Afghanistan from June 2009 until his release in May 2014, which was part of a prisoner exchange for five Taliban members who were being held at the detention center at Guantanamo Bay.

“Bill, the Army has come to its conclusion and Bowe Bergdahl,” Shaffer said, “Sgt. Bergdahl will be charged with desertion. I have been told and confirmed by two other sources that his attorney was given what we call a charge sheet. A charge sheet is results of the investigation listing out the articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice that have been violated. The key violation is desertion. And this is has been done. The decision has been made. Let me be very clear. As a corporate entity, the Army has decided that they want to pursue Bergdahl for this violation.”

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