Saturday, January 24, 2015

Who can bring the American people together.

Jeb Bush previews 2016 run, promising ‘adult conversations’ on big issues

“They’re basically Maytag repairmen,” he said. “Nothing gets done.” Bush added, “It is time to challenge every aspect of how government works — how it taxes, how it regulates, how it spends — to open up economic opportunity for all.”

Bush delivered Friday’s keynote address to the National Automobile Dealers Association’s annual convention in San Francisco, one of his final paid speaking appearances before he turns his attention fully to the 2016 campaign.

Thomas Williams
6:46 AM EST [Edited]
Who can bring the American people together pulling in the same direction not only for the good of our country but also for the wealth and our health, spirit? An honest sheriff and a person that we can really respect. Who is that person out of the choices that we see running. 

7:02 AM EST
No one can. President Obama is someone one should be able to respect, and he has worked hard for the good of the country while his political opponents have cursed him at every turn. Three of the potential governors running (Walker, Perry, Christie) are in legal trouble in their home states -- no honest sheriff there. Gov. Bush has been involved with several shady businesses, and still has a chip on his shoulder about his brother George W. Bush. Sen. Rubio? Sen. Paul? Sen. Santorum?
6:43 AM EST
6:42 AM EST
Not sure people can get too excited by anything Bush says or does.
6:41 AM EST [Edited]
Cristina Rey
6:34 AM EST
Jeb is not different than a Democrat -- no guts to go against "gay marriage" or abortion, will not do anything about the borders and favors Common Core. He is the RINO pick and the RINOs either lose or if they win, they just continue the country down its hedonistic, socialist path.
6:36 AM EST
That is too funny.
6:26 AM EST
Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their President.
6:26 AM EST
I'm speaking as a lifelong Democrat here, and I'm also paraphrasing what Bill Clinton said about George W. Bush: don't underestimate Jeb Bush.

It's pretty obvious that one of the, if not the, largest issues of 2016 will be the prosperity that is NOT trickling down to the average American. If he is able to speak about that without alienating the money bags in his party, and if he proposes specific legislation to address it, that's a tremendous accomplishment in itself. Also, notice that this article didn't mention any social issues. I'd like to know if he even mention that.

Long story short, he doesn't scare me like the others who are planning on running. Yes, he's a conservative and I'd likely oppose most of what he does. But, if he wins the nomination (and that's still a BIG if, considering the current base of the party and their likely bloodlust to elect a Republican after eight years of Obama) and maintains a sensible conversation, that may siphon off just enough independents to win.
6:26 AM EST
I'm speaking as a lifelong Democrat here, and I'm also paraphrasing what Bill Clinton said about George W. Bush: don't underestimate Jeb Bush.

It's pretty obvious that one of the, if not the, largest issues of 2016 will be the prosperity that is NOT trickling down to the average American. If he is able to speak about that without alienating the money bags in his party, and if he proposes specific legislation to address it, that's a tremendous accomplishment in itself. Also, notice that this article didn't mention any social issues. I'd like to know if he even mention that.

Long story short, he doesn't scare me like the others who are planning on running. Yes, he's a conservative and I'd likely oppose most of what he does. But, if he wins the nomination (and that's still a BIG if, considering the current base of the party and their likely bloodlust to elect a Republican after eight years of Obama) and maintains a sensible conversation, that may siphon off just enough independents to win.
6:22 AM EST
Jeb is electable. His experience in rigging the 2000 election will be helpful.
6:45 AM EST
6:22 AM EST
Politicians of all stripes are good at making promises. The problem comes when they have to deliver the goods. Nothing new here.
6:12 AM EST
I don't see anything other than the same old Republican tax cutting. And agreement with Obama on immigration reform
6:16 AM EST
Jeb will be Obama's 3rd term.
6:46 AM EST
6:07 AM EST
The dream team ticket would be Pres Hillary Clinton/VP Michelle Obama.

They would win every state.
6:11 AM EST
Except perhaps Texas and Arizona.
6:24 AM EST
The constant desire of Democrats to turn over governance to people who have little to no background in governing is a source of constant amazement.

The real problem with the country is that you're correct: they MIGHT win most states. And precisely nothing would change in the government for the next eight years.
6:26 AM EST [Edited]
Notstandinginline, put energetic, young, vigorous Marco Rubio on stage with the old, worn out, tired, "what difference does it make" how Americans were killed in Benghazi, absent of any new ideas Hilary Clinton and you'll see a landslide far different from what you imagine.
mad dog
6:06 AM EST [Edited]
JEB Bush wants to offer 'Adult' conversation,,,

Does this mean that his Campaign HQ will have a 1-900- number...?
6:15 AM EST
$4.99 per minute?
6:04 AM EST [Edited]
Jeb should hire a bunch of Mexicans to sneak across the border and hand out Tshirts to all the little kiddies coming across border which read, ”I CAN'T WAIT TO VOTE REPUBLICAN!”

The Democrats would immediately shut down the border overnight!

They will also receive instructions that if they took off those Tshirts, they will be deported immediately!

Of course Jeb won’t do it because he’s a RINO who works for the Chamber of Commerce and the big money donors! 
6:11 AM EST [Edited]
ti... I guess Jebbie won't be having any adult conversations with you....
Thomas Williams
6:17 AM EST [Edited]
I like what you said, because the Democrats would shut the southern border down if the people who were crossing say that they would vote for "Republicans."
Thomas Williams
6:46 AM EST [Edited]
Who can bring the American people together pulling in the same direction not only for the good of our country but also for the wealth and our health, spirit? An honest sheriff and a person that we can really respect. Who is that person out of the choices that we see running. 
6:43 AM EST
6:42 AM EST
Not sure people can get too excited by anything Bush says or does.
6:41 AM EST [Edited]
Cristina Rey
6:34 AM EST
Jeb is not different than a Democrat -- no guts to go against "gay marriage" or abortion, will not do anything about the borders and favors Common Core. He is the RINO pick and the RINOs either lose or if they win, they just continue the country down its hedonistic, socialist path.
6:36 AM EST
That is too funny.
6:26 AM EST
Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their President.
6:26 AM EST
I'm speaking as a lifelong Democrat here, and I'm also paraphrasing what Bill Clinton said about George W. Bush: don't underestimate Jeb Bush.

It's pretty obvious that one of the, if not the, largest issues of 2016 will be the prosperity that is NOT trickling down to the average American. If he is able to speak about that without alienating the money bags in his party, and if he proposes specific legislation to address it, that's a tremendous accomplishment in itself. Also, notice that this article didn't mention any social issues. I'd like to know if he even mention that.

Long story short, he doesn't scare me like the others who are planning on running. Yes, he's a conservative and I'd likely oppose most of what he does. But, if he wins the nomination (and that's still a BIG if, considering the current base of the party and their likely bloodlust to elect a Republican after eight years of Obama) and maintains a sensible conversation, that may siphon off just enough independents to win.
6:26 AM EST
I'm speaking as a lifelong Democrat here, and I'm also paraphrasing what Bill Clinton said about George W. Bush: don't underestimate Jeb Bush.

It's pretty obvious that one of the, if not the, largest issues of 2016 will be the prosperity that is NOT trickling down to the average American. If he is able to speak about that without alienating the money bags in his party, and if he proposes specific legislation to address it, that's a tremendous accomplishment in itself. Also, notice that this article didn't mention any social issues. I'd like to know if he even mention that.

Long story short, he doesn't scare me like the others who are planning on running. Yes, he's a conservative and I'd likely oppose most of what he does. But, if he wins the nomination (and that's still a BIG if, considering the current base of the party and their likely bloodlust to elect a Republican after eight years of Obama) and maintains a sensible conversation, that may siphon off just enough independents to win.
6:47 AM EST
Thomas Williams
5:58 AM EST [Edited]
I not voting for another Bush who has already told me that he is not like me and will let south of the border people flow into our country without regards to our country laws. Then those same people will turn around and vote Democrat for more Government social giveaways putting everyone into even more debt. This Bush is more like the same Democrat that I have been trying to get rid of. Why would I replace them with one of the same? Go away Mr. Bush because I have had enough of your Ivy League wise guy stories that always wind up the same. With the Washington DC establishment taking more from the American people just for you guys to stay the boss. No! I’m voting for Ted Cruz instead.
6:00 AM EST
You better check where Mr. Cruz went to school.
Thomas Williams
6:06 AM EST
Not all Ivy Leaguers are the same...At least I hope not, because he seem to say what I feel also. But you could be right and he could also be just like the rest. Then in the next election after that - I will only vote for small town college alumni..
6:02 AM EST
Provided Mr. Cruz decides to run, who do you recommend as his running mate?
Thomas Williams
6:11 AM EST
Mr. Gowdy.
6:17 AM EST
I don't know much about him except the Benghazi hearings.
5:58 AM EST
“Hope and a positive agenda wins out over anger and reaction every day of the week,” he said.
5:53 AM EST
And then good ole Jeb divests himself and his role with that healthcare company that is making money hand-over-fist, with Obamacare? Why would any sane person do that? Is that a wise financial decision? Don't thinks so. From a social standpoint, is it smart to be seen disassociating yourself from a company that is actually helping the formerly uninsured? Jeez!
5:45 AM EST
Bush I – “Read my lips, no new taxes.”

Bush II – “I’ve abandoned free market principles to save the free market system.”

Bush III – “Yes, they broke the law, but it’s not a felony. It’s an act of love.”

Puleeze…we don’t need a dynasty of idiots!!! 
6:04 AM EST [Edited]
You're right. Challenge accepted, no more whining 18th. Please tell butthurt boy Gautama yeshua a hurt feelings report will be mailed to him via e-mail. Perhaps you need one too.
Rick Douglas
5:33 AM EST
Because he's an isolasionalist. His view on foreign policies is very scary.
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5:19 AM EST
Not saying if I've made any kind of decision myself.
I am a progressive Democrat and have been for many years.
But like Jeb Bush I am also a practicing Catholic, a bookworm and an introvert.
Also like Mr. Bush that is just who I am and nothing wrong with that.
I want a President who can be bipartisan and reach across the aisle.
For me it depends a lot on his position on gay marriage.
I'm against it no if ands or buts.
I think that 2016 Presidential candidates should remember that
there are a whole lot of people of faith in America who
are opposed to gay marriage no matter what the opinion polls say.
And in the end the polls don't matter as much as a vote of the people.
Polls are not a substitute for democracy.
5:37 AM EST
ch... Appreciate your honesty, but.... Single issue voters should expand their horizons. This Floridian who endured the rock ribbed Repub Jebbie for too many years can guarantee you that he is anything but that reach across the aisle guy that you desire.
Dennis Smith
5:05 AM EST
Adult conversations will be nice compared to the current "just do as I tell you" current administration.
4:54 AM EST
Never ever trust another Bush - especially after the Iraq debacle where we lost 6000+ young men for NO good reason - unnecessarily!! He is a RINO!!

We also need someone who believes in OUR nations Immigration Laws and the fact that we have sovereign borders!!! We do NOT just legalize millions of 3rd world invaders - because it is politically convenient to do so - for the business community and the low wages they want to pay!!

We have already had 2 Bush's in the W/H.... NO MORE!! There are plenty of other qualified people to choose from - so do NOT be "fooled" by this guys political rhetoric !!
Manny Reznick
5:20 AM EST
Another low information, uninformed supporter on the obama regime. It's the height of hypocrisy to pretend your concerned about the death of 6,000+ military, who were volunteers. Hundred of thousands Americans died as murder victims, drug over doses, accident victims, suicides, etc. 

In addition, liberals have no concept of sacrifice. We lost 10% of our population during the Civil War. You were probably against that too. Or WWII. If it had been up to you we would all be bilingual, German and Japanese.

That said, I would have to agree with you about immigration. Jeb Bush wouldn't be any better than obama when it comes to putting illegals ahead of American citizens.
4:46 AM EST
So Bush notes (correctly) that a few people are on the economic escalator and the rest of us are not. Yet, his prescription for all of this is to lower the tax rates for the people already on the escalator. I'm sorry, but people who are not on the economic escalator realize already that the people on the escalator are not going to pull (or push) people who are not invited to the escalator ride on the escalator ride.

Lower the top marginal rates will merely exaserbate the issue. If the top are not paying Taxes the rest of us will be forced to. What this means is - anytime we need a new highway - it will be a Toll Road. Anytime we need an airline ticket - there will be taxes. There will be higher sales taxes as well. For if you don't tax the rich - the burden of taxation will be placed regressively on the poor and middle class. Eventually, the huge wealth disparity will cause economic activity to slow. Hence the reason, Republicans cause recessions and depressions.
Rick Douglas
5:35 AM EST
Punishing success is not the American way.

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