Wednesday, February 25, 2015

That is how we the American media and liberal people are living now.

So you guys in the Washington DC establishment are just going to keep this political rip off of the American people up until the fatal end, right.

Because after hearing a lot of the TV media liberal people talking to the rest of the American people over these past years. I am getting the feeling that they really want the American people to go around acting stupid together, even when we the American people know better. And in that way we can all get along better together. So if we see and hear a liberal minority person talk and act dumb for the rest of us to just pretend that we are also dumb too. And in that way of behaving the rest of us will not hurt the minority persons feeling. Then we can just go about our business living in the liberal social bliss as a much bigger political liberal happy community.
I think that the fun and games in the Tweedledee and Tweedledum - (Republican/Democratic) political wars of who is up, and from who is down in the annals of Washington DC. Just might be going by the wayside.

I don't think that the make-believe liberal world of the Washington DC progressives politics can last very long against the real life pictures of Christians getting systematical abused and killed in the Middle East. And because of the Iran Ayatollah finally getting nuclear bombs just as the Israel military has. And in time then all of the Middle East countries will of course have a nuclear military ability.
That when the last American citizen becomes ashamed to be a Christina American citozen around liberal atheist that the happiness over that in the liberal American people social perverted pleasure will eventually wear off. And in reality a real shooting War will truly breakout in the liberal progressive reality as the United States goes against the religious believer in the Middle East. Who don't seem to mind dying because they really do believe in Allah? And Jesus Christ has nothing to do with it. As the only real thing that the progressive liberal American people believe in is money and the outcome of that conflict between the East vs West is wide open. Nuke for nuke is not conducive for winning, unless the United States gets very serious and wipes most of them out first, I would think. 

Do you think that Susan Rice and the rest of the White House staff know what they are talking about when they are talking about people in the Middle East? Who are so deeply religious that death doesn't mean a thing to them? That Isis is looking forward to the end days so they can be with Allah in person. That they want to rush the days and night into an all-out War against the United States, so they can live and fight in the religious glory of that great battle.
That is how we the American media and liberal people are now living so far, and in all likelihood will be how we and them are going to end.

Susan Rice: Netanyahu Visit ‘Destructive’ To US, Israel Relations

February 25, 2015 9:03 AM

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