Well now, Japan is going to build up their military again and in time will become another Nuclear power. The Middle East is well on the way to building Nukes also. The Russian ambitions to go back to being the USSR is very real, and is trying to get back into a World Super Power. Valery Putin has stolen a large amount of the Russian people money and truly has nothing more to lose, and can't turn back. So Russia led by Putin will drop a Nuke on top of your head make no mistake about it. So you better get him before he get you.
China is already a Super Power. And Barack Obama is the proof in why this countries word can't be relied on by the other country's around the world to keep their population safe.
So thank you Mr. Misfit Ivy League wise guy who taught Barack Obama all wrong and totally kept getting everything screw up in this country's foreign policy. In your foolish desire to stay separate and apart from the rest of us, we the American people are now screwed. Because after all you were always one step ahead, right?
The Ivy League became a stupid social embarrassment who were much worse than the people that they criticized over the years with the help of our news media, who were the Ivy Leagues alumni.
You get what you work for in this real life world of ours and no one benefits from not trying at all. If you steal the money instead of earning it the money you stole become less valuable then the money you earn. So stuff that in your wise guy pipe Mr. Ivy League and stay right in your garden of social nirvana without a God, and where you like going back to seed.
I am not going where you go or think about what you like, ever again.
Jordan hangs
two Iraqi militants in response to pilot's death
By Suleiman Al-Khalidi 2 hours ago
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