Sunday, February 1, 2015

The spirit of the thing, is the thing.


This country is populated by the spirit of a Nation for over 239 years now who has struggle against people trying to rule over our lives, and property. The U.S. Government as conceived by our forefather who tried to give this country citizenship a Republic that they could live with in mutual respect. And have a Government that really get along with that population and to the best of that country's constitution ability not harm the votes. Who entrusted the candidates that they voted into office the levers of this same country’s power.

With the spirit of our collective Nation good conscience volunteering to build a good neighborhood in the pledge that we swear to each other. "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."


The Jefferson Statement

On September 11, 2014, some of our nation’s finest legal minds convened at The Jefferson Hotel in Washington, D.C., to engage in a full, robust discussion of the Convention of States Project.  The participants—including former members of the Reagan administration, seasoned Supreme Court litigators, and Ivy League professors—discussed and debated arguments for and against the use of Article V to restrain federal power and evaluated its potential to be used safely and effectively.

The hotel, which is four blocks from the White House, was the ideal location for this conversation.  In fact, the hotel’s namesake, Thomas Jefferson, believed Article V should be used to “correct breaches of the Constitution.”


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