Sunday, March 29, 2015

Free Market cronyism is alive and well.


Big Government and Big Business are working hand in hand in our present day America. So it is very unlikely that the American people will be able to get anything done in Washington DC about that anytime soon. You know like bringing to justice all of the inside players ripping off the American Tax payers.
The U.S. Government running Washington DC is a total rip off baby and we the people in all likelihood will go to our graves with our American Government corrupted that way.
So what is the answer?
The American people must change it or it will not get changed in however long it takes.

Crony capitalism alive and well in our county

Published: Friday, March 28, 2014 at 10:57 AM.

So it appears there is yet another welfare for the wealthy deal coming down the pike in Alamance County. “But it will create jobs” we are told. But there are many jobs created without risking taxpayer money. We are also told “everyone else is doing it.” Really, why are the banks not loaning this money? Why, because it is not worth the risk to the bank shareholders.

So if it is not worth it to the bank shareholders why is it worth the risk to the Alamance County taxpayer, the shareholder of this county? It’s high time we expose crony capitalism for what it is. It is big government taking money from the average citizen and giving to large companies who played no role in building this county. Not small companies who are the backbone of our economy, but large ones who create dependent employees rather than independent business people.

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