Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Meet me there if and when we find all of that out, OK?

Thomas Williams

It seem like at the very end of our life there is nothing at all, and we must finally go back from where we came, into that nothing at all. Oh it is sad for me to rationalization trying to understanding real life and death that way.

But how then did we begin to live in the first place, if we did began from nothing at all.

Something from nothing going back to nothing still leaves out something that you and I don't know about.

So how is that possible without knowing something else about our life that we still simply don't understand?

Because something coming from nothing just don't make sense.

Heaven could be hidden deeply inside the dark where we can't see with our best science, or imagination. And when and where we might find God's true eternity that we might better understand that knowledge and light still after our passing.

Because up until now I don't have a clue into why God is such a mystery, that God don't simply walk up to me a shake my hand telling me what a good job I'm doing. And if Jesus really did said "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you", why is it necessary to wait until we die to reach it? That only seem to make me feel more stupid then I was before.

Holy cow after thinking about what Jesus said about heaven I seem to need a smoke, but that cigarette will only kill me quicker. So I am going to try and be as smart as I can and not smoke again because rushing something like death, that is going to happen soon enough anyway, doesn't sound like a healthy minded person to me no matter what I don't understand.

So when Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet: Hamlet (III, i, 65-68) "To sleep, perchance to dream-ay, there's the rub." he wasn't whistling Dixie.

Wow! What in the world would be for us after death then?

If and when we do find all of that out after or before our death, meet me there, OK? Because I still want to smoke a Lucky Strike, and talk about football if we can. Because if our Lord God is beside us after we cross over, I have a feeling that I will not be an infernal gripe anymore.

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