Friday, August 21, 2015

10 years ago......A Monster is coming.

Thomas Williams

On 8/28/2005 Hurricane Katrina is not moving to the left, or right, as a very dangerous cat 5 Hurricane, but rather kept moving straight for New Orleans Louisiana. And the Mayor of New Orleans is issuing a mandatory evacuation.

Poor people have a patients about them but still the help would never come, As Katrina was breaking through the high earth levies and the water chase the people up into their house attic. So two thousand of the New Orleans people died, and the rest started slowly wading through dirty water trying to find satisfy, and the desire to drink from becoming very thirsty for clean water.

And walking someplace to rest beneath a very hot sun looking for shelter but where is the help, and just where did everyone go? Days went by but still no one helped, day, after day, siting and suffering, dying beside that filthy stagnant water, making my blood crawl over just how pathetic that our Washington DC establishment was, and that they were only a Show to get re-elected.



Fox News special to focus on Hurricane Katrina, 10 years later

Published August 21, 2015

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