Saturday, August 29, 2015

Behind the media phony smile, lurks corruption.

Thomas Williams

I saw a Movie called Carnal knowledge back in 1971 about people behaving with the knowledge of all the harm they were causing to the other person, just below the service. That is now reminding me in how the media and Washington DC establishment are working hand and glove today behaving towards us the American people, and that is acting in carnal knowledge just like that also.
Trying to spin what they already know is very harmful to someone else, and in this case the American people trying to learn about the information that can better help them choose our next President of the United States. Our country's media has turned into reporters with carnal knowledge in what they are broadcasting to the American people who are trusting them to simply report the daily information, and news, to us just the way it is.
And yet the media is reporting to us in carnal knowledge a double standard slanted towards propping up the Washington DC establishment over the real truth about the people running our country's population Government. That if we really were being told the truth about just the way it is. In all likelihood we the American people would march on Washington DC and throw the bums out, including the members of the American media
Just how many innocent TV Networks reporters you know?

America Is So in Play


Donald Trump’s staying power in the polls reflects a change in the electorate only now coming into focus.


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