Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Do you feel like that we are getting used?

Thomas Williams

China is killing us just like Donald Trump said, and our country's leaders do act like that they are stupid who are only interested in staying in their cushy jobs in Washington DC, and who keep lying to the American people about race, gender. And all the other social things that will distract the American people from really noticing that your country's Government is crashing our country's economy.

And that the media is playing hand and glove along with the Washington DC establishment of both political Parties. Because the media likes their cushy jobs also, and really don't want to change how our country is run, for no reason. So we the American people Ladies and Gentlemen were always on our own and we just never realized how bad these guys were, and simply trusted in the wrong people.

Who would believe that all three branches of our country’s Government Institutions were so badly corrupted? And then come to know that the fourth estate (the media) who are respected people working on television giving the American people the daily information from the News of the day. Are also really liars, and lie, about the way they are running our air ways from the media TV Networks for their own self-serving reasons.

Who wants to believe all of that double crossing ugliness about our most respected Government Institutions leaders, and media personality's.
---------- > GlobalEconomy >
Chinese Economy

Last updated: August 11, 2015 6:07 pm

China steps up currency war with dramatic renminbi devaluation

Jennifer Hughes and Patrick McGee in Hong Kong and Jamil Anderlini in Beijing

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China on Tuesday carried out the biggest devaluation of the renminbi in two decades to boost its slowing economy, marking an escalation of international “currency wars”, surprising markets and risking a political clash with Washington.

The 1.9 per cent downward move by the central bank was its biggest one-day change since 1993 — and since China abandoned its tight currency peg for a managed float in 2005. It pushed the renminbi’s “daily fix” to Rmb6.2298 against the dollar, compared with a Rmb6.1162 rate the day before. Before Tuesday, the biggest shift this year had been a 0.16 per cent adjustment.

The move, coming as economic growth has flagged and the currency has been under upward pressure from its informal peg to the rising dollar, is in sharp contrast to policy during earlier times of stress when Beijing resisted pressure to devalue. It should help combat an unexpectedly large fall in China’s exports fuelled by the renminbi’s relative strength.


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