Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Fox goes out into the open.

Well the truth come out over time again because Fox News and the RNC are in a public struggle with Donald Trump for the popularly of the American people. So when 24 million views saw Fox News have Megyn Kelly try to make Donald Trump look like a woman abuser with questions about what Trump called Rosie O’Donnell, and the guess from the Apprentice. Everyone knew right away Fox News was after Donald Trump to hurt his new found public popularity, which knock Fox News and the RNC off their feet. Now Donald is not letting that dirty low blow below the belt question go, and Roger Ailes is a manager of a TV Network that is guilty as sin trying to knock off Donald Trump for the RNC. Fox News is not an equal opportunity friend of Donald Trump.

So now that politic cat is out of the bag for all to see when Fox News Chares Krauhammer and George Will call Donald Trump some very bad labels like clown, or worse, long before Megyn Kelly laid in wait to assassinate Donald Trump in the Fox News Presidential debate, this political struggle between Fox News, RNC was on for real.
So now it is Donald Trump against the RNC and Fox News establishment out in the open and the only equal and fair support Donald Trump will receive from here on out will be from you and me.

Because all the rest of the American election game is fixed.


Megyn Kelly's colleagues are telling the GOP front-runner to move on.

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