- Thomas Williams: Oh my goodness what a vile looking shell of human being Mr. Adam Schiff is. And nothing more than a puppet to partisan politics. If the state of Israel has to go to War because of this sleazy man's vote to appease Iran. I want his address so we the American people can go arrest this country friend betrayer.--------
- JoAnn Perez: GOP and AIPAC have been working overtime to try and pressure our government and convince our citizens that the Iran deal is bad for us. This is evidenced by numerous ads that spread fear and blatantly call it a "bad deal". I do not envy Obama as a sitting president, having to deal with domestic and foreign pressure to attempt to sabotage this important initiative in the interests of America. I am far more concerned about how it will harm us, as a nation, to be forced out of this deal. Sick of lobbyists.
- Beverley Krell: This isn't just about Iran. Questions need to be raised as to why Iararl has been allowed to have a nuclear stockpile without inspection nor ratified the NPT.
The American right to all to quick to take the country into another proxy war where the winn...See More - Beverley Krell: http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/.../israeli-minister.../...thelede.blogs.nytimes.com|By Robert Mackey-------
- JoAnn Perez: Rita, do you realize that iran is a sovereign nation and doesn't need world permission to make a nuke, and that this deal gives the world (btw, this deal is an international effort) a better way of preventing nuclear weapons?-------
- Allen Meyer: Israel has had a secret nuclear stockpile as an ally of the United States. Period. Of course, I'm not so sure that is true TODAY since Obama has apparently switched sides in the region by encouraging "Arab spring" coups across northern Africa, running ...See More-------
- Kevin Wooten: Rita Emanuele Harris thats what i was saying ....Long Live Israel-------
- Scott Gallivan: Why? 1 million barrels of oil a day on the worldwide market.
This is another BIG reason the Republicons (Koch lovers) hate this deal so much (Follow the $$)...See MoreThe new supply could further pressure prices,...wsj.com|By Bill Spindle, Nicole Friedman and BenoƮt Faucon------- - Padraig Ryan: Except it's American $$$ that pay for the Israeli's to pray rather than work. Maybe if they were working they would not have time to burn babies alive in order to steal its family home.------
- Sally Lauren: Rita and Kevin you should change your profile pictures to the Israel flag because it seems like you support Israel rather than your own country.-------
- Beverley Krell: http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/.../israeli-minister.../thelede.blogs.nytimes.com|By Robert Mackey-------
- David Morris: allowed? we sold them the weapons.
The difference between Iran and Israel is the difference between Sharon Tate and Charlie Manson.
the absence of a credible alternative, Congress should accept the deal
and work with the Administration to strengthen its impact, while joining
forces with our allies to better contain Iran's conventional
capabilities and nefarious conduct in the region and beyond," said Congressman Adam Schiff.
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said there was no other credible alternative.
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