Sunday, August 30, 2015

Losing is not an option.

Thomas Williams

If we refuse to lead each other at this time in our country's history I seem to think that you will also agree that our country’s immediate future is not going to end up good. So if you really want to win the day for our country, and countrymen, we are going to need to work very hard for our social victories together. And if we don't our generation will lose this country's wealth and sacred honor to the United States enemies.

What six years of ‘reset’ have wrought

By Charles Krauthammer Opinion writer August 27
On September 5, 2014, two days after President Obama visited Estonia to symbolize America’s commitment to its security, Russian agents crossed into Estonia and kidnapped an Estonian security official. Last week, after a closed trial, Russia sentenced him to 15 years.

The reaction? The State Department issued a statement. The NATO secretary-general issued a tweet. Neither did anything. The European Union (reports the Wall Street Journal) said it was too early to discuss any possible action.

Read more....

Thomas Williams
7:08 AM EST
I saw a Movie called Carnal knowledge back in 1971 about people behaving with the knowledge of all the harm they were causing to the other person, just below the service. That is now reminding me in how the media and Washington DC establishment are working hand and glove today behaving towards us the American people, and that is acting in carnal knowledge just like that also.

Trying to spin what they already know is very harmful to someone else, and in this case the American people trying to learn about the information that can better help them choose our next President of the United States. Our country's media has turned into reporters with carnal knowledge in what they are broadcasting to the American people who are trusting them to simply report the daily information, and news, to us just the way it is.

And yet the media is reporting to us in carnal knowledge a double standard slanted towards propping up the Washington DC establishment over the real truth about the people running our country's population Government. That if we really were being told the truth about just the way it is. In all likelihood we the American people would march on Washington DC and through the bums out, including the members of the American media

Just how many innocent TV Networks reporters do you know?
Thomas Williams
7:14 AM EST
That this country's media is politically corrupt and will take you to Hell in a hand basket, if you let them. To think for your self's instead, and take back control of your country's Government. That the media is a part of our social problems because the media keep propping up lies, and liars, for their own self-serving political interest.

So take their opinion of who they don't like with a grain of salt because the media is very sinful about what they think and feel, and they don't care about right, or wrong, good or bad, if that social virtue is not in their career interest. That our country's "Media" today is very corrupted. And helping to make our Country U.S. Government into nothing but a rip off baby, that they have their and are only using you. To be very aware and warn your friends of the media social political treachery.
Thomas Williams
8/29/2015 10:17 PM EST
George Patton was a real soldier and great fighting General leading the United States 3th Army in World War II. Along with some other brave fighting men throughout this country's military history.

But frankly I don't know what we have running our country military now and I feel afraid of going into a life and death shooting War with the people we now have running this country's Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force.
Just how did this country great strength in this country's wealth, and power, decline so badly over these pass years?

I seem to feel like that my countryman population were corrupted by NBC, ABC, CBS, and CNN, FOX that were the TV networks that this population has been tuning into for the past 50 years, since World War II. And with the hand and glove social corruption of the U.S. Government Washington DC establishment, that were working with these TV networks absolute power. That we have been influence into a social decline that this country honor and wealth is in now, and has been made into the mess we are living in today. Fighting Wars we don’t really try to win, and teaching children everything else but the real history of our country.

So just where have all this country's great leaders gone because if everything get any worse the leaders we have now are going to be in very deep do do. The population that are the victims of their absolute political power will be looking to kill them over their social failure for sure.
8/29/2015 9:21 PM EST
Remember Obama's life history Franklin Marshal Davis, Communist/Socialist college professors, Donald Cloward and Alice Piven and Saul Alinsky. With mentors such as these is it a wonder that the man is sympathetic to Russia?
Rob Teddy Beluga
12:49 PM EDT
Krauthammer's entire attitude is that Russia must be a US vassal state, or Russia must not exist. He more or less advocates that the US should risk nuclear war to destroy Russia (in a war of aggression against the latter) if necessary.
Another problem with's one extreme or the other. Either Russia becomes our lapdog or there's nuclear war. Nothing in between. No sanctions. No execution of policies that Russia opposes (such as defensive weapons in Poland and Czech) to send them a strong message.

No, Obama's cowardly lead from behind strategy is failing, but liberals just can't come to grips with what a complete disaster it is. So if you disagree with complete capitulation, you must be a proponent of nuclear war.


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