am kind of amazed at how the truth in our life seem to rise into
reality like a hidden way of Mother Nature that simply cannot be stop,
even if it takes a thousand days, or years. Megyn Kelly kick Donald
Trump below the belt and 24 million people saw it.
----------- http://thehill.com/blogs/
August 15, 2015, 12:00 pm
Trump rose above FOX’s lack of balance
By Alaska State Sen. Lesil McGuire (R) and Alaska State Rep. Charisse Millett (R)
First and foremost, even the paragon FOX News can have an agenda. Next, some commentators acquiesce to such agenda. Further, when it comes to the transparency and expected fairness of a national level debate, sometimes a candidate can be targeted, and abusively so.
It’s time the media muster the courage to get past sensationalism for
ratings' sake, and instead, neutrally highlight and dissect the
platforms of the candidates so the American voter is educated and
informed, not entertained.
Kelly’s question of Donald Trump regarding comments made about women in his past, intended to generate a plume of reactions and diatribes across the country, was irresponsible.
Her question and its intent illustrate a thinking error. We believe a presidential candidate’s opinion on policies far exceeds a salacious stab to incite reaction. Kelly’s question, in concert with Trump the clear bulls eye for FOX News’s mischief, was anything but fair and balanced.
Rerad more...http://thehill.com/blogs/
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