Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Want a reason to vote for Trump.

Thomas Williams

Hey! Mr. Krauthammer, David Brooks, and George Will! Do you want a good reason to vote for Trump, you ingrate snob...

Fox news is a phony bunch who like all the perverted pleasure in making fun of the American people who support Donald Trump. "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." And the media keeps getting unhinged over how many people that Donald Trump supporters seem to be. And who the DC Republican establishment is now saying are not real representative of the overall Republican Party. And
David Brooks, Charles Krauthammer, and George Will, are saying that all these Donald Trump supporters are not blue blood Republican voters but people who like reality entertainment. So we the American people now truly see how Charles Krauthammer and George Will are thinking, behaving, about their DC establishment politics. So thanks a lot you Ivy League Snob we the people can get along just find without you.

Here's a good one. This woman will be our First Lady...

trumps wife.jpg

to bring some class back to The White House ...

versus the current occupant...


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