- Well, What-do-ya-know… This Might Explain That Debate – FOX is Hillary’s 9th Largest Donor - http://bit.ly/1TCClEf
http://www.teaparty.org/well-ya-know-might-explain-debate- fox-hillarys-9th-largest- donor-113225/?utm_source=rss& utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign= well-ya-know-might-explain- debate-fox-hillarys-9th- largest-donor - Thomas Williams: Well I hope that the American people can get behind each other and led who ever we choose as the next President of the United States, along with the Washington DC establishment, to really try and win Wars, defeat our enemies. Stop spending all of our children and Grandchildren money now today, so that they will not suffer a hell on earth where a loaf of bread is $10.00 a loaf. And to be a society of laws, instead of a U.S. Government mired in bureaucratic corruption that makes it up as we go along in some kind of DC criminal cartel. That the American people somehow will pull in the same direction supporting themselves, and neighbors, instead of getting used by the TV wise guys.
I thought that Donald Trump could do a lot to help the American people lead themselves forward and bring us all together better than acting like a bunch of elitist Ivy League snobs, much like we are living with now. Remember most of the population in America don’t even vote because they think that Washington DC has the election already fixed before the American people vote. To be led by another DC insider and just like Washington DC has been working all along.--------- - Donny Case: Fox news has been blocked from my TV.
Paula Smith: SENATOR CLINTON'S re election car? Didn't Trump give to that, too? For goodness sake, move on, there's over a year and a half to go..
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