Sunday, August 9, 2015

Who is kidding who? And who will you vote for in 2016 as president of the United States

Thomas Williams

Well now then there knowing who you don't like can be half the battle and just one of the reasons why one Presidential candidate is going to be the winner over the other. And of course the reasons of our discontent become very important to how we feel about how we are choosing the new President and person who will take over running this country's Government.
Obliviously a lot of the American people did not like Megyn Kelly asking Donald Trump why did he besmirches the way woman look when the women disagree with him. And also using the history of what Donald Trump said to Rosie O' Donald, and one of Donald Trump made for reality TV Shows in the Apprentice.

24 million people tuned into hearing what Donald Trump would tell them about what he would do as President of the United States. And were truly quickly exposed to Fox News hit job trying to destroy Donald Trump’s gaining popular in the 2016 Presidential polls and race. Because Fox News don't want Donald Trump as the new President of the United States. Just go ask Fox News political media personality's George Will and Charles Krauthammer what they think about Donald Trump.
Everything afterword’s is clearly how this 2016 Presidential race is going to be handled by the media from now on. And until the American people walk into the elections booth and speak for themselves.
What will be the influences on the American people as they choose who they want to vote for?
Do you have the feeling that Fox News is trying to shape who among the Presidential candidates that Fox news wants you to choose from. Tell me how may times already has Fox News told you that Jeb Bush, Marcus Rubio, Scott Walker, are the leading candidates so far? And then this happened over our TV sets everyday since the TV debate.

3.     What if Trump wins?
Four leading GOP presidential candidates – Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Scott Walker – are traveling to a Southern California luxury hotel in coming days to make their cases directly to the Koch brothers and hundreds of other wealthy conservatives planning to spend close to $1 billion in the run-up to the 2016 election.

And that Donald Trump doesn't count to Fox News even if the polls are saying that the American people are choosing Trump instead.

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