Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I want to elect a man like us.

Thomas Williams

I really don't understand why the media and people like Mr. Charles Krauthammer is still trying very hard to elect a professional politician as our next President, over everyone else. Even if the American people are truly fed up with all of the politicians now working in the Washington DC establishment. Who has lead us to this ugly moment in time and place where our great country's population look like crazy people who keep voting for guys like Barack Obama, for all the wrong reasons.

And I also agree that America is our team and I am not going to join up with someone else team. The freedom that we inhered from the Constitution of the United States is what I know best, because that is the way we were raised.

What in the world President Barack Obama is talking about telling everyone living in America to be something that we are not. I forgive the Pope for living in an unrealistic dream world, hoping to keep helping all of the immigrants in the world - all the time. But I do not forgive President Barack Obama for playing politics with other people lives because he is not the Pope, and instead the President of the United States, representing the American people....And now all the American people want to vote for is a man who is willing to fight for us, the American people. The media be damn!
President Trump!
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