Saturday, November 21, 2015

This guy Barack Obama is nothing but an ideology that keeps making President Barack Obama ineffective at his best, and at worst he is a hindrance to his countrymen.

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tangled up, in a net of lies, to the deepest woe.
'Official Washington's many false narratives about Russia and Syria have gotten so tangled that they have become a danger to the struggle against Sunni jihadist terrorism and conceivably a threat to the future of the planet.' Robert Parry, Consortium News

KW Baker
4:25 AM
obunghole should have been hanged for treason a long time ago stupid piece of shit 

Thomas Williams
4:37 AM
Yes! It is become apparent that the Isis movement has the rest of the Muslim people siding with them in spirit. Choosing the Isis side of their Islamic Muslim's religious and social beliefs.

Birds of a feather flying together against Christians, and Jews alike. The Muslims already know what team they belong to. As the West population of liberals play around with what the definition of marriage is, and keep trying to legislate morality for everyone else to live by. Liberal morality.

Thomas Williams
4:38 AM
No! I was thinking that people of the same religion and place in the sun would have a natural affinity for the people of their own kind, you know what I mean. That they tend to slaughter each other in their hysterical religious quarrels is the Middle East enigma that has been going on for thousands of years now, with no chance of stopping anytime soon.

I only hope that they do not move in as my next door neighbor. Because I am a peaceful guy who simply wants to be left alone. And I would hate to kill one of them over defending myself against them having a religious fit like they seem to keep doing.
Thomas Williams
4:50 AM
Our world population has too many people that are not raised well, and don't know what they don't know because of bad parents. That I don't care how good of a teacher you are children with bad parents keep failing to learn enough to develop a good attitude to have the ability to successfully keep passing the problems in their life. As do the children who were blessed with devoted parents.

That some people are just luckier than other. People who exhaust all of the options to have a better life only end up with only two final choices to survive on. To be taking care of by a doctor, or policeman bringing them to jail.

Everyone is looking for a person with the intangibles that you thoroughly know your job, and completely understand what you are doing. So devoted parents who teach their children the right attitude is the difference between the devil and the deep blue sea in this otherwise very harsh life. 

Parents who teach their children to hate Jews, and Christian, are simply very bad parents.
Thomas Williams
5:07 AM
This guy Barack Obama is nothing but an ideology that keeps making President Barack Obama ineffective at his best, and at worst he is a hindrance to his countrymen. Trying to always legislate morality is dangerous to the country's populachion as the liberal progressive political movement push for more control over you and me.

Donald Trump is appealing to the voters because he is a successful business man staying on top along the Great White Way (Broadway) and of course, "if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere," right.


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